Current snow depth in Berwang
Numerous weather stations and webcams of Bergbahnen Berwang provide a precise daily snow report for the entire ski area. The snow depths in the valley and on the mountains provide quick information on how many pistes are open. Compared to other winter sports resorts in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, Berwang enjoys the advantage of its altitude. Here you can start your skiing fun at over 1,300 metres, when elsewhere the slopes are still or already bare. Snow falls very reliably in Berwang, and all slopes are usually skiable from mid-December to the beginning of April.
If Mother Hulda needs a helping hand, that's no problem in the Berwang ski area. 90 per cent of the total of around 34 kilometres of pistes can be covered with snow. As temperatures are usually below 0°C from December to the end of March, there is sufficient snow cover throughout the ski season.