New from December 2025!
In 2024, the long-awaited go-ahead has been given for the construction of the 2nd section of the Obere Karbahn, which will replace the old Thanellerkar T-bar lift. Completion and commissioning is planned for December 2025. The construction will not only provide more comfort for guests, it will also extend existing pistes, as the new mountain station will be located 140 metres higher up than the end of the previous T-bar lift. The current top station of the Obere Karbahn Section I will then function as the middle station.
The first part of the avalanche defence in the Scharte area as well as the support foundations and excavation work at the mountain station will begin this summer. In summer 2025, the rest of the avalanche barriers, the foundations for the mountain station, the piste construction including the snowmaking system and the installation of the cable car will take place.
Technical data:
Lift name: Obere Karbahn II
Type: 10-passenger gondola lift (single-cable circulating lift)
Manufacturer: Doppelmayr
Year of construction: 2024/2025
Height valley station: 1433m
Height mountain station: 1715m
Height difference: 282m
Cable car length: 877m
Speed: 6 metres per second
Journey time: approx. 2:40 minutes
We renew the Berwanger ski area!
In 2019, the first section of the "Obere Karbahn" (10-seater family gondola) and the "B-Active Center" (cash desk, office and rescue area of the Bergbahnen Berwang as well as a sports shop, the ski school office and toilet facilities of our partners) were built. The slopes near the middle station of the "Obere Karbahn" were also adapted, the snow-making installation has been expanded and the biliglift has been removed.
In spring 2020, the Panoramabahn Rastkopf was added to our Bergbahnen Berwang cable car family.
In 2020 we built a conveyor belt at the Thanellerkarlift, as well as the "Thanellerbahn", a child-safe 6-seater chairlift with conveyor belt entry, starting at the current valley station of the Thanellerkarlift to the "curve" of the same lift, as a future replacement of the lower part of the Thanellerkarlift.
Future projects:
- the demolition of the Thanellerkarlift (after the construction of the "Thanellerbahn" and the 2nd section of the "Obere Karbahn";
- Construction of a "family summer attraction" in the area of the mountain stations Sonnalmbahn & Almkopfbahn;
- the construction of a mountain restaurant at the location of the new middle station of the "Obere Karbahn"; and
- a snow-making installation for the Panoramabahn Rastkopf.